Articoli recenti

Wie viel kostet es, das Risiko nicht zu bewerten?

Wie viel kostet es, das Risiko nicht zu bewerten?   Unabhängig davon, ob Sie Bauunternehmer, Techniker oder Bauunternehmer sind, wissen Sie sicherlich, dass es in Italien mehrere Hersteller von Rettungsleinen und Absturzsicherungssystemen gibt, die über das ganze Land verteilt sind. Jede hat ihre eigenen Stärken.

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How much does it cost not to assess risk?

How much does it cost not to assess risk?   Whether you are a contractor, a technician or a building contractor you will almost certainly know that in Italy there are a variety of manufacturers of lifelines and fall arrest systems, scattered a bit throughout

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Quanto costa non valutare il rischio?

Quanto costa non valutare il rischio?   Che tu sia un imprenditore, che tu sia un tecnico o che tu sia un impresario edile quasi sicuramente saprai che in Italia esistono svariati produttori di linee vita e sistemi anticaduta, sparsi un po’ in tutto il

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Tlb Service also at ELIS Innovation Day

ELIS Innovation Day Teaching for Innovation was held on July 20, the day dedicated to innovation and new technologies, where we participated together with 180 students, 40 students and 62 projects.
We at TLB Service with the Telebit Group have provided the latest technology, experience and professionalism by helping Digital University students realize various projects and prototypes.
The areas of focus for this recurrence have ranged from cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, through enhancing the user experience in using IT tools to our field: predictive maintenance and workplace safety.
A day to reiterate the importance of matching supply and demand and demonstrate the great contribution in terms of creativity and contamination that young people can bring to businesses and the country.
Luigi De Costanzo, Director ELIS Innovation HUB: “ELIS Innovation Day is proof that it is possible to build a bridge between universities and companies, and that the latter play a leading role in training young people and their entry into the world of work. 100 Digital University ELIS students recounted what they had accomplished, experienced and learned in the 62 projects in real work situations. Contact persons from the 40 companies reported the enthusiasm and out-of-the-box approach that these young people bring to organizations. We think it is precisely this atmosphere of mutual exchange of knowledge and human experience that is the element that gives value to the collaboration and projects that the ELIS Innovation Hub develops with companies.”



Present at the event was the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, Vittorio Colao ” It is essential to create a collaborative relationship between academies and companies: it is essential to give people, especially younger people, the opportunity to apply the notions acquired in a concrete way. The world out there has few people with your skills, but it is in dire need of them. You have to go out and contaminate that world. For me, you are a fantastic audience and talking to you students, recent graduates, researchers is a great opportunity. So the advice I would like to give to the kids is: go wild! Unleash your energy, ideas and passions. I don’t know if you want to be innovators, transformers, distrupters, modernizers: but apply your knowledge. Italy needs modernization, change and dynamism, and you can lead the country in this direction.

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