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How much does it cost not to assess risk?

Whether you are a contractor, a technician or a building contractor you will almost certainly know that in Italy there are a variety of manufacturers of lifelines and fall arrest systems, scattered a bit throughout the country.

Each with its own strengths.

You will certainly know who to turn to when you need “price,” and you will certainly know who to refer to when you need to resolve a critical issue; and so price, at that point, is no longer an issue!

Since the beginning of time this has been the rule.

Having made this premise, let us come to us….

Safety at heights, is a fairly straightforward topic regulated by the Consolidated Occupational Safety Act (Legislative Decree 81/2008).

Taking responsibility raises the employer’s antennae when the topic concerns the prevention of risks to people in industrial settings; in civil and residential circumstances, however, there is less awareness, although the risks and responsibility for the property owner are very similar.

Working at heights involves various possible risks and hazards, related of course to the height, any obstacles present and failure to take appropriate safety measures or protective equipment.

Major negative events include:

০ the fall from height, most often due to a loss of balance by the worker. It is not uncommon to be accompanied by the absence of the necessary forms of protection, or their inadequate implementation. It can also relate to collision with obstacles due to “dangling” at height;

inert suspension, which occurs when the worker loses consciousness as a result of falling or slipping and remains precisely suspended in mid-air, supported by the harness. It can result in various forms of shock, including severe shock affecting vital functions, and therefore requires the at-risk worker to be brought back to the ground immediately;

০ other forms of impact or injury, such as impacts, cuts or crushing, mostly due to masses falling from above while being transported by cranes or similar instruments.

However, people often have difficulty understanding what the critical areas that require safety intervention should be or are not particularly up-to-date in current regulations; so what can be expected from companies, such as Tlb Service, that operate in the safety at heights sector?

Background knowledge in practical-regulatory terms and accumulated experience in the field of installations.

In addition to this, we want to confront you with the definition of a “strong” but real concept:

“Nothing completely relieves you of responsibility, you are the one who has to try to bring the risk to the minimum because unfortunately it never goes to zero!”

Yes, you got it right!

Let us try to better explain why we come to say so much; as it is the heart of the concept that we wish to pass from this article.

Today, regardless of the sector in which companies operate, if we are talking about SMEs with their own structures and sheds or construction companies working in the residential sector whose final interlocutor is “the Rossi family,” it is extremely easy to be confronted with a misinterpretation of the standard and an incorrect positioning of the fall arrest system aimed at future maintenance performed by the operator at height.

Very often it happens that the employer, involved on so many production processes or business strategy, is poorly trained in terms of safety at heights.

It happens that the construction company is much more vertical and knowledgeable about building materials and less experienced in the part about fall protection systems and their fixing methods.

The engineer, for his part, is probably trained in fall protection design but often decides to delegate the creation of calculation report and technical elaboration of the devices to specific companies that have experience in the field.

Thus, in the essence of the facts, the risk analysis regarding lifelines is likely to be biased because unfortunately the various stakeholders see “only a portion.”

Does the fact that this issue is not seen in a 360-degree view bring the risk to the minion?

We don’t know what your opinion is on the issues we set out, but you are certainly clear on ours.

Our technicians’ study and insight into the specific needs of roofing safety and experience enable us to create an ad hoc project.

Starting with a technical discussion or site survey, we will identify critical access routes and areas to be reached.

Specifically, our project will consist of several phases:

1) Thorough analysis of the situation in cooperation and agreement with the needs of the Principal;
2) Development of solutions within our technical department;
3) Comparison of the project with any other suppliers (construction/technology) in order to rule out deficiencies or interferences.
Not only because of this we will be able to be the ideal partner to guide and help you in these situations, especially because our approach is one of constant closeness with the technician and the client, at every stage of the process until generating a relationship made of trust and continuous exchange to achieve effective results.
A workshop and in-house employees in continuous training and growth allow our customer to have a single point of contact.

Because we put ourselves from your point of view.